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The Chaos Within

The Chaos Within


The 'C'mon-let's-resurrect-Christ-for-another-year-so-we-can-eat-our-lamb' Syndrome

"Happy Easter!" "Happy Resurrection!" With Easter right around the corner, these are two traditionally spoken cliches that you'll hear people uttering to one another. But, if you pay careful attention to the later one you know that it has to do with Christ's death and resurrection almost 2,000 years ago. I don't think people realize exactly what it is that they're saying when they say those two words; and even if they did know, they're just so used to saying them that it doesn't matter to them, it's just the polite thing to do before the festivities begin. Since I like to analyze things -as you probably already understood from my previous posts- I recall from my Bible lessons that Christ died once and his resurrection back in the spiritual realm took place one time - if that is of course what you believe and what you were taught as well. I'm not here to preach or lecture about Christianity, I just want to know one thing: "Why is it that they crucify him all over again and make him return back to heaven every year?" Is there something that I'm missing? If so, please, let someone comment back and correct my thinking. Perhaps, the custom developed as a way to make the holiday more memorable in relation to his death; but even so, if a memorial were to take place then whatever it is that people would say with regard to his death would be stated in the past tense. When people say it to me, I just stare up in heaven and say - "he hasn't risen yet, cause I don't see anyone up there.." And then I carry it on further -if the conversation permits- and say, "oh, I'm sorry, were you referring the expression to me cause as you can see I haven't de-materialized just yet.." They just giggle back and start saying it to the next person that comes their way. Anyway, "happy Easter everyone.."

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Use the graffiti of your mind, and spray whatever it is that floats your boat.