There's an Albanian proverb that states: "When you shake hands with a Greek, count your fingers." Now, I'm quite sure that Greek's would perhaps say the same things towards Albanians, since -generally speaking- they don't like them very much. Their mindset is very work-oriented and the immigrants who have come here in recent years have amassed great fortunes for themselves. This is all due to their die-hard work regiment and their ability to save the money that they make. I'm assuming that the above proverb had spread amongst them as a result of the many business dealings that they had to encounter, and in order to make it possible to succeed in the Greek market. Their experience is one among many who have felt that there exists that general lack of trust permeating through the air. And, in my opinion, I feel the government is largely to blame for this behavior. They are suppose to be the paradigm in which everyone should follow; yet their example has been one of disrepute and outrage. First of all, they constantly change and enforce new tax policies and protocols; this makes it nearly impossible for people to get their businesses off to a good start; or, to have an edge on the competition. They then send their 'grim reapers' -or, should I say tax auditors- who stick around to collect their black envelope full of money. Well, if the general public feels insecure about how their money is being handled(taken arbitrarily) and where it is being spent, don't they have the right then to feel the same way about them?
That's why you'll notice that many store merchants don't issue receipts. They feel that they're justified in taking back what the government has taken from them.
And then there's the other side of the spectrum where people have had a piece(or all) of their physical property stolen(e.g. car, jewelry, watch, cell phone, etc..) from them - either directly(e.g. in broad daylight right in front of their very eyes) or indirectly(e.g. while they are sleeping in bed). It is a phenomenon in which everybody has suffered from in one way or another.
There was one time, I remember, when I was minding my own business and eating a hearty meal at Goody's - a popular fast food restaurant here in Greece. A young person approached me and asked me if the restrooms were in the back area of the restaurant. At the time the question seemed a bit odd since he wanted me to turn my head around and look to where he was pointing. He then exited the door which was in front of me. As I sat there I realized that my 500 euro cell phone was lying on the food tray in front of me and that at the time, when he had asked me the question I had my hand on it. This dawned on me later(after the crime), because after 5 minutes or so, he re-entered the store and walked circuitously in front of my table. Once he saw that he had the opportunity to strike, he bolted forwards and snatched it out of my hand. He then dashed out of the restaurant and ran through the crowds before I could even react. Everyone around me just starred at me for a moment because I yelled something out loud as he made his way out. Then they went back to their conversations as if nothing had happened. After that incident there were a few others but they weren't as brain-rattling as this one. It just goes to show you how everyone out there -however ethically sane they may look- has a dark, sinister side that's poised to strike at anyone who appears vulnerable. Just be careful out there, and remember, trust no one!